All posts by klofton
Breast Cancer, Where is my money going?
Flu Shot
It's that time of year again. Every other TV ad is preaching "the flu season is here, get your flu shot", and every local drug store along with a majority of the doctors offices are constantly pushing the importance of getting the flu shot. The next step will be the introduction of a new "TYPE" of vaccine that is needed for a new"TYPE" of flu. Last year it was the H1N1, what will it be this year that fills the pockets of the medical industry at our expense, that will maybe have yet a recipient walking backwards from the side effects? . I wonder if everyone decided against the flu shot, how many real flu related deaths would've occurred last year? I've had one flu shot in my entire life and I felt like the shot actually gave me the flu. It was almost like it was a flu sample instead of a flu shot. After reading all of the dangerous chemicals in the shot, I personally don't take the shot, instead, I just boost my immune system and remember to wash my hands frequently. What do you think about the flu shot? Have you had a bad experience with the side effects?
Bragg ACV, Miracle Health System
Blood purification, headache relief, cures soar throats and laryngitis, promotes healthy skin, treats shingles, poison ivy, varicose veins, sunburn, soothes soar muscles and aching joints, removes plaque from the arteries, corrects stomach problems, serves as an internal cleanser, eye wash,and it even cleans your house. All these and many more uses from a product that has been around for ages and has been proven to aid and promote health and longevity. I'm speaking of BRAGG APPLE CIDER VINEGAR. I've always heard of vinegar being good for many things but until I picked up the Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar Miracle Health System book, I never imagined all the things this stuff was good for. This is definitely in the top ten list of my recommended readings. I suggest that everyone pick up a copy and keep it for reference. It's less than $10 and an answer for almost everything. Did you know the benefits of Bragg ACV?
Donated by: Karen L. Price
1 large bunch of curly, green kale, washed, large stems removed, torn into bite size pieces
1 cup cashews, (soaked 2 hours)
1 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped
juice of 1 lemon
2 t. agave (optional-I don’t add, I like them more salty + savory)
1 T. nutritional yeast
1/2 t. himalayan pink crystal salt (use more or less to taste)
Put coating ingredients in Vitamix. Blend until smooth. Using your hands, massage coating onto kale pieces getting it inside of curls. Put on teflex sheets (don’t worry about flattening them, they’re better bunched up) and dehydrate at 105 overnight or until coating is dry. Slide onto mesh screens and dehydrate 12 hours, or until very crispy.
You can use a regular old chopper or a food processor it doesn’t have to be a vitamix. I also did the first batch in the oven on the lowest temperature but they do taste a little different
Childhood Obesity
Back when I was a child I hardly remember a problem with kids being too fat or getting tired so quickly. We were outside playing from sun-up to sun-down, come in for a glass of water and right back out the door. Even if a child was a little heavier, like Chubby from Our Gang, Continue reading Childhood Obesity
One of the latest concerns in the world of healthy eating and diets is a special type of protein called gluten. Where did this suddenly gain so much popularity and why now? All of a sudden we are being asked to remove gluten from our diet because it leads to severe health issues. Some claim to have allergic reaction to gluten products causing skin rashes. There are also people that suffer from a condition called celiac disease. This disease impedes the digestion of gluten causing them to become very ill when eating foods that contain gluten. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye and barley, all three if which we were told in earlier years were a much healthier choice than white bread. Some say that gluten is getting overdue attention now, where as others claim that it's somewhat a fad. Have you tried shopping for gluten free products such as bread? I have and it's not so easy. Also, I read that all of gluten in wheat flour cannot be removed, AND, FDA guidelines only require that a certain amount of gluten be removed before the product can be labeled "gluten free" So when you go and look at all of these gluten free products, just remember, they may not be totally free of gluten. What’s your view on gluten?about 6 months ago ·
Power Drinks
Red Bull, Jolt, AMP, 6 Hour Power, Hype, etc. There are over 100 of these so called energy drinks or power boosters on the market. The thing that most of them have in common is that the source of power is mainly from the combination of sugar and caffeine. I personally don't use them, but like anything else, I believe that moderation is the key. I certainly wouldn't recommend them on a daily basis. While these drinks may offer a quick fix they can also have side effects such as crashing or other long term health issues. Also, if you need a boost of energy on a regular basis you should probably check other areas of your health such as your diet, amount of exercise, or sleep habits to find out why your energy is so low. Although I haven't heard of any addiction to these drinks, I'm sure like anything else, it can be habit forming. After all, caffeine is a stimulant (drug). So what do you think about energy drinks? Is it real? or just real hype?
Another Sweet Fact
Does the body process high fructose corn syrup differently than other sugars?
No. High fructose corn syrup contains approximately equal ratios of fructose and glucose, as does table sugar, honey and many fruits.......