As the year comes to a close I’d like to talk a little about the power of healthy thinking. Many don’t realize that our inner thoughts can play a key role in our health and well being. The mind and body are connected and work together in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As a person thinks so shall it be. If you think healthy than your chances of being healthy increase, just as if you think sickness your chances of becoming or staying sick are sure to increase as well. Most people who have beaten life threatening illnesses did so mainly by having belief in themselves and the power of changing their way of thinking. When we surrender to any outside sources pertaining to our wellness then we are essentially waiving our rights to achieve ultimate health. We’ve all heard of someone who has survived cancer or has awakened from a coma when presumed brain dead. There has also been some that have transitioned over from their loss of desire and will to continue on in this life. The more that I adapt into new lifestyle changes, I am constantly faced with challenges in my way of thinking. Whether it’s tolerance from existing pain or the desire of defeating an issue without the use of prescription meds, I find that a good spirit, positive mindset, and the power in me produce positive results. So give the healthy thinking process a try. The next time you have a headache, instead of reaching for that Tylenol, try a form of meditation. Go to a quiet place in your mind and breathe deeply and think of something that gives you peace and relaxation. Then, remind yourself how healthy, beautiful, and vibrant you are. How important do you feel healthy thinking is to healthy living when applied to your health?